How do I know what to book?

10-Minute Consultations: Get Clarity & Direction

Using energy work to help you balance your body, mind and spirit can be a little overwhelming in the beginning. Sometimes you need a Reiki session to reset your body or you may need a tarot reading to find clarity and direction. Or maybe your feeling stuck or overwhelmed? A 10-minute consultation can be a powerful way to get a fresh perspective and explore your options. Book a FREE consultation with Waheeda today!

Here's what you can expect:

The First Few Minutes:

  • We'll chat about what brings you in today. What challenges are you facing? What are your goals?

  • I'll listen attentively and ask clarifying questions to understand your situation better.

Exploring Your Options:

  • Based on your needs, I'll offer insights and suggest potential paths forward. This might involve discussing specific services I provide, recommending resources, or offering general guidance.

  • We can discuss any initial questions you have about my services or approach.

Wrapping Up:

  • I'll summarize our discussion and leave you with actionable steps or resources to explore further.

  • You'll have the opportunity to ask any final questions and decide if you'd like to schedule a longer session for deeper exploration.

Benefits of a 10-Minute Consultation:

  • Gain clarity and direction on your situation.

  • Learn about potential solutions and resources available to you.

  • Get a feel for my approach and see if we're a good fit for working together.

  • All at a convenient and affordable time commitment.

Ready to take the first step? Schedule your 10-minute phone or zoom consultation today! Click HERE!

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