5 Tips to Manifest in New Moon Pisces Energy

Welcome, dreamers, to the realm of Pisces! I LOVE a moon ritual as much as the next goddess and this new moon in Pisces may be the last one to harness manifesting power for a few months.

Why is that Waheeda?? Welp, the eclipses are coming…RUUUNNN haha, just kidding we will have plenty of time to hide from our feelings in a few weeks! For now, allow yourself to DREAM with the doey eyed Pisces Spirit within you.

So, go grab your journal, light a candle, and let’s dive into our desires guided by these 5 tips:

1. Meditate and set an intention:

My darling we are making majic happen, the absolute first thing to do is SET. AN. INTENTION.

Begin by finding a quiet space, allowing yourself to sink into stillness. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, really give yourself the space to connect with yourself and your emotions.

Visualize your dreams taking shape, call on your Spirit team to give you insight on where to go right now.

With each inhale, draw in clarity and purpose; with each exhale, release any doubts or fears.

Now here is where the majic lays, set your intention. Create a statement such as, “I intend to achieve the following manifestations or something better for my highest and greateat good, no harm coming to any for it is already done and You have deemed it so, Aho!”

2. Write down 5 things you want to manifest.

Those things that have been coming to you and you havent been acting on, but they refuse to leave your mind, those are the focus this month!

Grab your favorite pen and a piece of paper, and let your imagination take flight! Write down five things you wish to manifest (or more if your called to). Write them as you ALREADY have them! You want to say, “I love the smell and feel of the soft leather in my brand new BMW. It was even available in black, my favorite color! ”, for example. Need more clarity, email me to book a one on one coaching session at metafix1111@gmail.com.

3. Journal in depth about them:

Now, it’s time to dive beneath the surface and explore the depths of your desires. Open your journal and pour your soul onto the pages. Reflect on each manifestation, exploring why you want these things, what relief they bring or how it would make you feel to have them.

If you have a hard time with this, it's time to come in for your reiki session so we can release the blocks your holding. Book here!

4. Rip out your list and roll the paper towards yourself:

As you allow these words to rush from your heart to paper, rip the paper out of your journal and roll it towards you. Bringing these manifestations into your life, into your energy, into fruition. This is a very important step in the process. You can do this with your short list and chose to leave your journal papers in tact, or use everything. Do what feels right to you! Try not to roll it too tightly or the paper will be harder to burn.

5. Burn the paper to ashes:

Now, sitting under the energy of the new moon it’s time to release your manifestations into the cosmic cauldron of creation.

Take your burning bowl, some sage, a bay leaf if you please, a cinnamon stick and a candle to a fire safe location.

I reccomend outdoors or near a faucet or water in case of emergency.

Light your paper on fire, place it in the bowl, sprinkle some lose sage amd your bay leaf into the fire, light your cinnamon stick and watch it burn. You can mix them all together or keep the cinnomin to the side. Again, follow your intuition.

As the smoke spirals upwards, feel your manifestations coming true. Trust in the alchemy of the universe to transmute your dreams into reality.

Allow your paper to burn fully. Your cinnomin stick will burn out on its own or you can put it out. Once your ritual is complete and the paper has burned out, snuff your candle out. DO NOT blow it out, you will undo your work.

The remaining ashes are great to use to make black salt! As your ritual comes to a close, know that it is just a matter of time before you catch up to these manifestations on your timeline.

For a one on one session to manifest your goals email me at metafix1111@gmail.com or book your access bars session here!

Check out my upcoming classes at www.meetup.com/metafix1111 .

Have a wonderfully blessed week!

Love and light,


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